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Monday, May 16, 2011

Simplified Writing of Articles.

 Googling "free article writing software" returned quite a few links.  The first hit on Google for "free article writing software" is for something called Article Tool Chest (link below):

I've looked at the demo video on their website and both the software and the demo look pretty lame.   

Toward the bottom of the first page of results, I think I may have found the same software Ms. Ashley mentioned -- 8-Minute Article Writer:

I've gotten the free download, but haven't had time to try it out yet (I need to install it on the Windows partition of the netbook with multiple personality disorder).  If it doesn't work, can I get my money back?

So what does article-writing software really do and how can it help you crank out articles quickly?  I also looked around on the paid software side (Google search term: write an article in 5 minutes) and found something called Instant Article Factory:

They have a very good yideo of how Instant Article Factory works, but it also gives an idea of the sorts of features you'd probably need in any worthwhile article-writing software.  

My conclusion from looking at the Instant Article Factory demo video is that such software can help you produce articles in a hurry by building you a framework.  This is particularly true if you have some expertise in the subject you are writing about.  But the articles will probably be about the level of the ones you'd find in USA Weekend or Parade, unless you're a really talented writer.  

Of course, that may not matter in this case; I think the idea is to publish articles on a regular basis with your name on them.  These will show up in a web search and you can cite them on Linkedin or mention them in, say, a cover letter.  It's not about getting published in the New Yorker.  



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