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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When To Apply ; References ; Lie Detection : Applications

Here are a few highlights from discussions
in our recent meetings.
When To Apply ?

Recent conversations our members have had
with personnel consultants indicate that job
seekers can, and should, apply for jobs
when they have 50 to 60% of the skills
the  employers requisition spells out.

It is their wish list after all. Chances are that
the person that has all those skills is a
complete jerk and would never get the job
anyway.  ;-)

    Updating Your Profile Helps

One of our members has had a few bites, mainly  from and career builder. His reworked
profiles seem to have helped and he has been
contacted by search agencies  as a result.

    References Anyone ?

Many recent applicants have been asked to provide
references at the beginning of the process. To many
this seems backwards. In fact, it is not uncommon
for such a request to be made, but we've yet to hear
of  a case in which anyone actually checked the references
in a timely fashion.

After much  discussion, the group agreed that providing the
references as name, company and position without the actual
contact information is the best course.

    How to detect a lie

Several people have eyed a volunteer position with ths Sherrifs
Dept. that involves software installations in their cars and more.
Sounds interesting, right ? Well, it turns out that there
is also a new and spectacularly time consuming lie detector test
that must be passed before one can be seriously considered for
the position.

To work for free that is.

Ask A. Member, he went though the whole enchilada and was
not seriously considered.  Some people were frightened off before
they even got that far.

Methinks, I smell a rat. It seems entirely possible that this
position is actually a ruse for someone compiling lie detector
test data.  Don't waste your time unless you like lie detector

    State Applications

A prominent member recommends Bonita Wahl as a resource
for getting through the government job application process.
Apparently, the State process is even less friendly than the Federal.
Bonita can help you do both.


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